Time to Expand the Crate!

These puppies are growing!

Remember, we used the divider panel that comes with your Crate Couture™ Furniture System to help us with housebreaking while Milly and Bella were so tiny. By keeping their crate space small, it encourages them to wait until they are let out to go to the bathroom. But these gals are growing like weeds and it is time to give them some more space to stretch out! How can you tell when your puppy is ready for a larger crate? First, they need to be doing a good job of Continue reading “Time to Expand the Crate!”

Puppy Outtakes

What happens when you are trying to train puppies? A lot of this! Every time I turn around, those little rascals are running across the floor with a shoe, a shirt, a Barbie…everything but those dog toys we bought them! We thought you would enjoy a break from crate training and potty talk this week for some comic relief. 

On a serious note, it is very dangerous to let these guys chew on household items. Little socks, hairbands, and other small toys can get stuck in their intestines Continue reading “Puppy Outtakes”

Pooping Puppies

So we are into Week Two of Puppy Love at our house. Only along with all those soft sweet snuggles has come a lot of puppy pottying! We are making great progress with getting them on a schedule, but I won’t lie – we have a ways to go.

As I mentioned before, we have given each puppy her own little haven in a Crate Couture™ table. They are eating and sleeping in their crates to create some order and boundaries for them. Since I now have more pets than kids, order has become synonymous with sanity!

We are using the crates for sleeping at night, feeding, and as a safe place to let the puppies rest when we have to leave the house. They whined a little in the beginning, but are quickly adjusting to sleeping in their respective crates. It is critical Continue reading “Pooping Puppies”

Bella Meets the Crate!

We are so excited to welcome two new puppies into our home! Milly will be joining our family permanently, and Bella, her sister, is on loan to us for a few months for us to crate train. My husband and I and our three kids are absolutely swooning over these soft and sweet little babies. The cat has made herself scarce, but our older Cavalier puppy, Rosie, is enjoying being an older sibling.

Our Crate Couture™ tables are ready and waiting to embrace their new residents! This video shows Bella meeting the crate for the first time. You’ll see she acted like an old pro! Crate training is essential in housebreaking a puppy, and it is really not hard at all if you follow a few rules:

Continue reading “Bella Meets the Crate!”

Crate Training with Milly and Bella

It’s not even spring yet, and there is some serious puppy fever going on in Atlanta! Everywhere I turn someone is telling me they have just gotten or are getting a new puppy. We are getting two puppies as well, and thought it was the perfect opportunity to show you all what you need to know to crate and potty train these cute little furballs!

Please join us each week for tips you can use as we post a short video on the Adventures of Milly and Bella as they learn to love their crates and how to potty outside. With three dogs in our urban home, we are using our Crate Couture™ furniture system to elegantly hide the crates in our living room. Here is our basic system: Continue reading “Crate Training with Milly and Bella”