Puppy Outtakes

What happens when you are trying to train puppies? A lot of this! Every time I turn around, those little rascals are running across the floor with a shoe, a shirt, a Barbie…everything but those dog toys we bought them! We thought you would enjoy a break from crate training and potty talk this week for some comic relief. 

On a serious note, it is very dangerous to let these guys chew on household items. Little socks, hairbands, and other small toys can get stuck in their intestines if swallowed and can be life-threatening. After a quick shot with the iPhone, please know that Milly and Bella were immediately re-directed to their Nylabones! Even dog toys with squeakers can be dangerous; they will chew it up and get the squeaker out and can swallow it. One bonus of having two puppies at once is that they do chew on each other about as much as anything else, so that cuts down a wee bit on the chewing of objects. Nevertheless, it’s been a hassle but absolutely hilarious. Watching these little gals trying to drag a boot across the floor that is twice their size is a scream. It is awfully hard to get mad at them when they are so darn cute!

Take a look at our PuppyOuttakes. We’d love your comments on our Facebook page! www.facebook.com/cratecouture/.